Our college council plays a vital role in the educational opportunity and outcomes of all students.
It is given the power to set the key directions for the college and directly influences the quality of education we provide.
School councils are groups who make decision that set the direction of the school. They:
- Help create and check the school’s budget
- Contribute to the school strategic plan
- Make decisions on policies like investments, payments by parents, dress code.
In essence, the role of college council is one of setting the long-term future goals and maintaining oversight of the school’s operation. The council comprises of parent, department and co-opted members.
Parents on school councils provide important viewpoints and have valuable skills and a range of experiences and knowledge that can help inform and shape the direction of the school.
Those parents who become active on a school council find their involvement satisfying and may also find that
their children feel a greater sense of belonging.
An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of Bendigo South East College
Bendigo South East College invites additional nominations for both students and parents.
- Nomination forms are below or may be obtained from the school and must be lodged by Wednesday, Feb 28
- The ballot will close at 4.00pm on: 14/03/24
Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school, published in the newsletter and will be available on the BSE website.
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school, published in the newsletter and emailed to all families.
If there are more nominations than vacant positions, a vote will occur.
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:
Parent member | From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2024 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2026 | 2 |
Student member | From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2024 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2026 | 2 |
If you are interested, please read the Fact Sheet, complete the appropriate nomination form (LINK) and return to BSE via:
- email bendigo.southeast.sc@education.vic.gov.au
- deliver to BSE General Office by close of nomination date.
Fact sheet 1 School council elections – information for parents
Form 3 Self Nomination – Parent
Form 5 Self Nomination – Employee