2025 Booklists and Levies
Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum requirements and we want to assure you that all standard curriculum contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can offer the best possible education and support for our students. We want to thank you for all your support. This will make a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.
Within our school, this support has allowed us to:
• Provide each student the same laptop with pre-loaded software for the smooth transition of the school curriculum.
• IT Support Staff to support enhanced digital learning opportunities
• Improved WiFi, internet and online communication avenues
• A wider offering of elective subjects and additional curriculum needs
• The upgrade of the school Performing Arts Auditorium
• The upgrade of the school Sports Stadium
• Improved gender-neutral facilities
• Upgrade the Library Loan System
• Additional Sunsafe facilities

The booklist which guides you on the everyday items your child will use in the classroom can be accessed online via this link
Year 7 Login code is BSEC1725Y
Year 8 Login code is BSEC1825Q
Year 9 Login code is BSEC1925G
Year 10 Login code is BSEC1025P
Booklist should be completed online by Friday, 13th December, 2023.
Select the items you require, fill in the STUDENT’S details then ‘Place Order’. You will then receive a confirmation email. If you fail to receive a confirmation email, please contact Education Plus on 5447 8588 to make sure your booklist has been submitted. You may choose to purchase these items through Education Plus or provide your own